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The European Producers Club

The producer’s signatory to this charter wish to reaffirm and strengthen their support for equal treatment for those identified as women in the workplace. It is our hope that adhering to this charter will contribute to improving the much-needed gender equity and fair treatment of women in our industry.

It is established by extensive reports, research, and collected data that women in the film industry, the media and film sector, and of course throughout all areas of society, suffer from systemic inequalities, harassment, and discrimination.

As creators of culture, we influence society s hearts and minds and the way people form ideas about the world we live in.

As European Producers, we believe we need to actively combat this lack of equity.

We understand it is our responsibility to acknowledge this problem and act upon it as follows: 

- We will provide this charter to all employees, contributors, and freelancers who engage with our company. The charter is intended for internal and external teams, and we will encourage them to help us apply it fairly to the values that guide our daily work and the content we produce.

- This charter focuses on the place of all individuals identifying as women However, its anti-discriminatory principles extend to other forms of discrimination and harassment, including those based on religion, age, race, sexual orientation, social background, disability and immigration status.

- We are addressing the need to create a more accessible culture including those who have any disability, come from disadvantaged backgrounds or see themselves as part of any other minority such as an LGBTQ collective. We are committed to understand and apply practices that are intersectional, anti-discriminatory, and proactively anti-racist.

- This charter is a first step. We will engage the above-mentioned groups in further feedback to expand and commit in the creation of further actions.

For each of the points below, we will track and share as much data as possible, monitoring and quantifying changes and variations annually 

Sexism and harassment

Our company will not tolerate any sexist behaviour or remarks within its teams, both within its salaried teams and in dealing with its external partners and contributors. Our company will also ensure that any harassment and/or sex ist behaviour is investigated and measures against such behaviours are taken.

Our company agrees to engage in training initiatives that inform our teams about best practices and protocols related to Sexism and Sexual Harassment.

Our company commits to assert the rights of victims in their employment contracts with an ad hoc clause on harassment that also refers to the values of good conduct advocated by our company.

Our company will create the role of nominated companies or individuals internally and/or externally to which to refer any complaints. These nominated companies and/or individuals will be in direct contact with management and will be committed to providing immediate support to any potential victims.

Equal pay and access to responsibilities

Our company agrees to:

- Compensate all those in an equivalent role ( skills) equally, whatever the gender of the employee.

- Evaluate at least one candidate of each gender for each internal job opening.

- Stimulate and promote internal mobility and the acquisition of new skills for all employees, in line with the company s objectives.


Our company agrees to:

- Be particularly open to meeting women initiators/project leaders as part of our search for new talent.

- Actively seek parity of artistic and technical teams throughout the production of our works by proposing for each project male and female profiles for technical positions.

- Promote gender parity with regard to the presenters and experts intervening on camera and/or on commentary, by making a particular effort to research and solicit women for these interventions.


We are sensitive to the under representation of subjects dealing with issues specific to the situation of women in the world. As producers we commit to: 

- Refraining from conveying gender stereotypes in our productions.

- Systematically question of the sex of the characters in our productions, to ensure a fair proportion of female and male characters.

- Be vigilant about the typology of roles allocated to women in its productions (main roles, power roles, etc.).

European Producer's Club • 42 Rue Sedaine• 75011 Paris, France

Tel: +33 1 44 90 06 13 •


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