Copyright and DSM
Geoblocking Debate
9 May 2017
Belgian newspaper talks about geoblocking and the jeopardization of the industry by the Commission proposal to apply the Country of Origin Principle.
Upcoming Cab/Sat Vote
28 April 2017
As the proposal regulation on copyright applicable to broadcasting organization online ( cab/sat ) is to be voted on the 4th May at the European Parliament, we suggest you to have a look on what the text says.
Culture Ministers Piracy Letter
29 March 2017
The following is the official letter that has been sent to the G7 Ministers of Culture to ensure the continued success of the entertainment sector across the G7 countries and beyond. Click to download a PDF version below and feel free to share the document with fellow producers and producer associations.
EPC Position on the EC Regulation on Portability
4 March 2016
The following is our official position on the European Commission's Regulation on Portability. Click to download a PDF version blow and feel free to share the document with fellow producers and producer associations.
The EPC met Andrus Ansip
29 June 2015
Today, a delegation of the European Producers Club met Andrus Ansip, Vice-president for the Digital Single Market at the European Commission.
The main objective of the meeting was to discuss the copyright and DSM issues, in order to find solutions that would satisfy both the industry and the Commission.
Moving ahead with building the Digital Single Market
26 June 2015 - Ansip's Blog
A few hours ago, EU leaders gave their backing to our plans to build a Digital Single Market: endorsement at the highest political level. Now we can really start to move forward, to build a DSM for Europe.....
Sum Up of the French position regarding the DSM
26 June 2015
Position of the French Authorities towards the Digital Single Market Strategy
Oettinger's Speech at The Digital Assembly Riga 2015
23 June 2015
The following text is the speech of M. Oettinger the European Commissioner, which he delivered at the Digital Assembly of Riga (17th and 18th June 2015).
The EC commissioner Tibor Navracsics gives his views on The DSM
20 June 2015
The EC’s proposed copyright reform was a dominating theme at committee meetings of the European Parliament (EP) this week, giving the occasion to the EC Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, to give his views on the Commission’s proposals...
Reda report adopted by the Legal Affairs Committee
17 June 2015
Yesterday the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament voted and passed an amended version of Julia Reda copyright evaluation report.
To get more information: Outcome of the vote on Julia Reda's report
Digital Single Market on MPAA agenda in Berlin
15 June 2015
The ScreenDaily article posted last Friday gives information about the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) meeting during which the Association expressed its interest in the current issue regarding the Digital Single Market as well as its support toward its European colleagues....
MEP Czech Pavel Svoboda’s report
11 June 2015
“Intellectual property rights (IPR) are a key driver for growth and innovation. Intellectual property isn’t just about copyright but also about trademarks and patents, among others. All of these are vital to the value of Europe’s goods and services and contribute to the EU’s cultural variety. Statistics show that in 2012, more than 90 thousand IPR violations took place at the EU’s external borders. In order to enhance the EU’s competitiveness, adequate protection against counterfeiting on a commercial scale needs to be introduced”, said Pavel Svoboda MEP, Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament.
Andrus Ansip's speech at the Eastern Partnership ministerial meeting on digital economy
11 June 2015
Today occured the first Eastern Partnership ministerial meeting on digital economy co-chaired by Andrus Ansip (European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Single Market). During this meeting, the EC member had the occasion to deliver a speech entitled Going digital: linking the EU with its eastern neighbors.
The speech contains many relevant information concerning the DSM.
Cannes Film Festival - Politics follow-up
26 May 2015
The political activity was particularly intense during the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, following the European Commission's communication on the Digital Single Market and revision of copyright, and the strong concerns it gave arise to within the audiovisual industry.
After meeting with the French Ministry of Culture, the European Commissionner Oettinger and its European counterparts in distribution, sales and VOD, it appears to the EPC that the best solution so far is to create a Working Group gathering all actors of the European audiovisual sector, in order to propose concrete solutions to the European Commission regarding copyright and geoblocking issues.
Therefore, the Working Group was launched in Cannes and is composed of the European Producers Club, Europa International,Europa Distribution and EuroVoD, with the aim to enrich dialogue with the European Commission in the frame of its Digital Single Market strategy and copyright reform.
Find attached the official press release for more details and do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any question regarding this topic!