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Email us today to apply for membership!

With its 185 members, the European Producers Club is a unique grouping of Europe’s most active and influential film producers and production companies. If you do choose to become a member and your application is accepted by our board members, you will instantly have full access to all our services, which include, but are not limited to, priority admittance to all our events, personal assistance and regular updates on European film industry. 


Representation and promotion at a European level

Founded in 1993, the European Producers Club acts as a network, a think tank and an advocacy group. Our principal objectives are:

  • To represent the interests of independent producers before the main national and international political bodies and institutions. We ensure that the voice of independent film producers is heard in the European and international arenas where the future of our profession is shaped.

  • To promote, in a very real way, the idea of powerful and independent European cinema. Our Members are an integral and active part of a unique network of film producers in Europe.

  • An international edge for your company


Being a Club Member also means priority access to the events we organise all over the world:

  • Club Meetings, we held each year in Berlin, Cannes, Locarno, Rome, London and during the European Film Awards.

  • During these meetings, a producer from each of the main European territories speaks about current developments in their home territory. All our members gain strength value and expertise from this pooling of knowledge.

  • We also debate the latest issues in the film industry in order to come up with a common position to be presented to industry journalists, European institutions and government bodies.


We socialise 

  • Club Meetings are organised around a luncheon, or suppers, during which time Members can socialise and informally discuss each other’s projects.

  • Forums exploring new high-potential markets outside Europe. This fast-track training programme enables European film professionals to meet the producers, film professionals and authorities who count in the local industry, participate in conferences and learn the rules and regulations related to co-producing and shooting in the host country.

  • In past years, we have built strong relations with China, India, Russia, the United Arabic Emirates and Brazil that gave us a good acknowledgment of the markets and high level contacts with local professionals. In 2011, we welcomed an UAE delegation in Berlin, we brought a delegation of European producers to Beijing, China. In 2012, we had delegations in Russia, Qatar, China, India, and Kazakhstan.

  • The EPC team provides members with contacts and often arranges meetings for members with the most reliable counterparts and industry professionals in China, India, Russia, the Emirates and Brazil.


Other services

  • Members of the European Producers Club receive regular updates on European film issues such as the latest national regulations, what’s at stake in the independent film business, the latest tax incentive and other systems in place of our neighbouring countries, the latest political initiatives, current controversies and more.

  • In addition to these services, Members benefit from finding partners for your projects, a research on film-related law, and any other service. Recently, we have helped Members find production executives in Eastern Europe, provided information on tax incentives and set up meetings with Chinese, Indian and UAE producers.


Being a Club Member in a nutshell

  • Being part of an exclusive and active group of the most successful independent film producers in Europe.

  • Accessing information directly from fellow producers on how their national systems work.

  • Improving the international profile of your company, participating in our Club Meetings, Forums and conferences across the globe.

  • Representation and recognition at a European level in Brussels, in Eurimages and at the level of national governments.

  • Being able to take advantage of research services and contacts from the European Producers Club team.

  • Exclusive invitations to events and festivals.


Annual Cost

Please send us an email to find out about our various membership fee options.

European Producer's Club • 42 Rue Sedaine• 75011 Paris, France

Tel: +33 1 44 90 06 13 •


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© 2025 European Producers Club 

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