Company Profile
Lucky Red has a long history.
Lucky Red’s core business is the distribution of motion pictures and from 1987 until now, Lucky Red has been considered the first independent distribution company in Italy.
Two years ago, the company decided to start movie and TV series production, confident of its strengths, of its passion, and dedication for the product.
Final goal: distribute and produce high quality films.
Lucky Red’s main ambitions are:
- to approach to audiovisual industry as an innovative company with an open-minded strategy
- to continue to build up strong collaborations with new broadcasters and new emerging digital realities;
- to continue to distribute international movies wich have an high cultural and social value;
- to deliver high quality contents to the final users/moviegoers
Lucky Red has produced and distributed SULLA MIA PELLE, broadcasted on Netflix in more than 190 countries.
On 2020, Gabriele Mainetti’s last movie, FREAKS OUT, produced by Lucky Red and Goon Film, will be released theatrically
The company is currently producing a TV series, IL PROCESSO, directed by Stefano Lodovichi, starring Vittoria Puccini and Francesco Scianna, broadcasted by Mediaset.
At last, Lucky Red’s development line up has more than 20 projects and it is constantly growing

Andrea Occhipinti